Anti-Fungal Nail Solution

Terbinafine is an oral and topical antifungal agent that is pharmacologically similar to naftifine. Oral terbinafine is highly effective for treating onychomycosis due to its fungicidal activity and ability to concentrate within the nail. In clinical stud- ies, the efficacy of oral terbinafine in the treatment of onychomycosis was found to be superior to both griseofulvin and itraconazole. Further, the rate of relapse with terbinafine were lower than those observed with griseoful- vin. Onychomycosis clinical cure rates for terbinafine are approximately 50% to 70%. Oral terbinafine has also been utilized in small open-label studies as an alternative treatment for bronchopulmonary aspergillosis refractory to other treatments; in some cases terbinafine has suppressed or eradicated the disease. Topical terbinafine was approved by the FDA in 1993.


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